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2024 Greenhouse Gas & Carbon Footprint Public Disclosure

The contents below are a summary of Barbaricum’s Disclosure of Barbaricum’s Global Scope 1 and Scope 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, in support of the the company’s Environmental Management System (EMS), Integrated Management System (IMS) Subsystem. The section numbering corresponds to the 2024 CDP SME Questionnaire


Process Name:  GHG-002 GHG Disclosure
Status:  Controlled Copy GHG-002


Process Name:  GHG-003 Carbon Footprint
Status:  Controlled Copy GHG-002

Approval Authority / Date:  May 31, 2023
Version:  20240905_v1.1
Owning Organization:  PMO
Process Owner:  Andrew Hill


This section constitutes the second annual assessment and disclosure of Barbaricum, LLC’s global Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions, as defined by the GHG Protocol. It assesses a period of twelve months from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

14 Barbaricum Operations

14.7 List of Barbaricum Operating Locations, Worldwide​

Barbaricum currently is headquartered in Washington, DC and maintains additional facilities in Tampa, FL; Dayton, OH; Bedford, IN; and St. Roberts, MO. Our operational reach spans the globe to support customers in the following countries:

  • United States
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Qatar
  • France
  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Jordan
  • Korea
  • Monaco
Barbaricum currently is headquartered in Washington, DC and maintains additional facilities in Tampa, FL; Dayton, OH; Bedford, IN; and St. Roberts, MO. Our operational reach spans the globe to support customers in the following countries: Barbaricum currently is headquartered in Washington, DC and maintains additional facilities in Tampa, FL; Dayton, OH; Bedford, IN; and St. Roberts, MO. Our operational reach spans the globe to support customers in the following countries:
  • United States
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Qatar
  • France
  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Jordan
  • Korea
  • Monaco

15 Risk + Opportunity Identification, Assessment, and Management Process

15.1 ISO 31000 Risk Management Processes

Risk-based thinking is an extension of preventive action. It requires organizations to determine risks and opportunities to processes, products and services, as well as the quality management system. The organization must take proportionate steps to address these actions. Barbaricum follows the ISO 31000:2018 international standard for risk management and conducts an annual risk assessment and treatment of organizational risks to our operations, service provision, and information security. This process includes identifying and assessing climate-related risks.

Barbaricum not only focuses on proactively identifying risks and appropriate response strategies, but building entire processes around risk prevention and response by implementing a system of controls. Risk treatment not only responds to risk, but implements controls to lower the risk severity by reducing the likelihood of a risk occurring and/or the impact it would have on the company should it occur. The risk treatment process consists of three stages: risk assessment, risk response, and risk management.

It is important that Barbaricum has an effective risk assessment and treatment process in place to ensure that potential impacts do not become real, or if they do, that contingencies are in place to deal with them. Barbaricum assesses each identified risk by its likelihood of occurrence and the severity of the impact the risk would have on the company. We score each measure along a 5-point scale and then multiply the two measures together to produce a risk assessment score ranging from 1 (very low) to 25 (very high). Our annual risk assessment and treatment considers Barbaricum’s assets and deliverables, their existing vulnerabilities, and the potential threats that they face. These will include threats posed by climate-related risks.

For each identified risk, we select one of four treatment options: decrease the risk by implementing safeguards and controls; avoid the risk by ending contributing tasks and processes; share the risk through a third party such as insurance; or accept the risk without modification. Acceptance is only authorized if the cost of the other options far outweighs the cost of damage that the risk would incur.

Barbaricum strives whenever possible to develop safeguards and controls for risks that reduce their probability of occurrence and/or their impact on the organization through responsible and sustainable management and corporate policies.

Opportunities are assessed as “positive risks” under our model, and follow the inverse of the Risk Treatment process described above, assessing proactive behavior rather than preventative behavior in order to treat opportunities and devise policies designed to quickly capitalize on opportunities when they are presented. These procedures largely adhere to the eight practices of the Risk & Opportunity Management practice area of CMMI 2.0 Maturity Level 3.

16 Risk and Opportunity Disclosures

16.1 Risk Disclosure

Barbaricum has identified the following climate-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on operations:


ID Risk type and primary source of the environmental risk Value chain stage Affected River Basins*


Chronic Physical: Increased severity of extreme weather events*

Direct Operations

Potomac River & Mississippi River


Market: Changing customer behavior

Direct Operations


*River Basins Impacted by This Risk:

  • Potomac River: This river flows directly through Washington, DC, and is the primary river basin impacting the region home to our corporate headquarters.
  • Mississippi River: This river basin poses potential risks to our facilities in St. Robert, MO; Bedford, IN; and Tampa, FL. St. Robert, Missouri is located within the Mississippi River Basin, specifically within the Missouri River sub-basin, which feeds into the Mississippi. Bedford, Indiana is located within the larger Mississippi River Basin, which includes tributaries like the Ohio River. The broader drainage areas of the Mississippi also influence the Gulf of Mexico, part of the Tampa Bay.


ID Risk Description Primary Financial Effect Horizon


Increasing temperatures are likely to increase the frequency and severity of Hurricanes impacting our Tampa office and/or snow storms and blizzards impacting our NSWC-Crane activity
Disruption to workforce management and planning

Near Term to Long Term


DoD proposed a rule in the federal register on 11/14/2022 that would require contractors like Barbaricum to disclose their GHG emissions and climate-related financial risk and set science-based targets to reduce GHG emissions

Upfront costs to adopt/deploy new practices and processes

Near Term


ID Primary Response Description of Response (Treatment) Cost of Response


Increase insurance coverage

Increased insurance premiums mitigate the cost of any storm damage to our facilities

$1,286 annually1


Participation in environmental collaborative industry frameworks, initiatives and/or commitments

By conducting a thorough GHG assessment and inventory, and by self-publishing our GHG disclosure, Barbaricum will stay ahead of the curve and be ready to quickly comply with any new regulations. Continued investment and third-party verification will further prepare us for new regulations.

$3,100 annually2

1   Annual insurance premium Barbaricum pays for additional flood insurance on our Tampa, FL facility on top of our standard insurance policies which cover flood, earthquake, wind, fire, and sinkhole damage.

2   Based on CDP’s 2024 foundation fee to disclose GHG emissions data through the CDP Portal. This cost could increase in future reporting cycles.


ID Likelihood Magnitude Risk Rating Treated Likelihood Treated Magnitude Treated Risk Rating Acceptance Criteria


Likely (66%-100%)


16: High

Likely (66%-100%)





Virtually certain (99%-100%)


15: High

Virtually certain (99%-100%)


Medium (10)


Additional risks will be added to our environmental risk register as they become known and as Barbaricum continues to invest in sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint.

16.3 Opportunity Disclosure

Barbaricum has identified the following climate-related opportunities with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on operations:


ID Opportunity type and primary source Value chain stage Description Primary Financial Effect Horizon


Energy Source: Use of low-carbon energy sources

Upstream value chain (suppliers)

Research alternative energy sources in our three energy markets and transition to sustainable alternatives where available

Returns on investment in low-emission technology

Medium Term


Markets: Expansion into new markets

Direct operations

Adhering to the GHG Protocol and submitting our GHG Disclosure for third-party verification will open new opportunities to bid on work that require bidders to have plans in place to address environmental concerns

Increased revenues through access to new and emerging markets

Near Term


ID Likelihood Magnitude Opportunity Rating Realization Strategy




Medium (9)

Purchasing energy from new sources is often inexpensive in the short-term and in the long-term often reduces energy costs as renewable energy sources become more prevalent and efficient. The Quality Manager will research available alternatives for each of our three energy markets - Washington, DC; Tampa, FL; and Bedford, IN - and recommend to the Management Review Board options to switch to sustainable alternatives within the next two years


Very Likely (90%-100%)


Very High (20)

The Quality Manager will continue to research best practices for small businesses to comply with the GHG Protocol and potential future regulations published in the Federal Register. The Quality Manager will also continue to refine and improve upon this self-published disclosure ahead of the 2025 CDP disclosure cycle for third-party verification.

Additional opportunities will be added to our environmental risk register as they become known and as Barbaricum continues to invest in sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint.

17 Governance

17.1 Oversight & Responsibilities

Barbaricum is a privately-held Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, owned by our two Equity Partners, and as such does not currently answer to an elected Board of Directors more commonly found in larger organizations. Barbaricum’s Management Review Board, consisting of both Partners, Senior Leadership, and select members of Upper Management provides oversight of climate-related issues within our organization. The board reviews climate-related issues at least annually, following the latest GHG inventory of the company.

The following members of the Management Review Board have responsibilities for climate-related issues within the company:

Barbaricum’s two Partners chair the Management Review Board and lead the Executive Leadership Team. The overall responsibility for our sustainability performance, including all strategic and financial planning, resides with the partners, with additional guidance provided by the Management Review Board. The Partners oversee selection and design of company-owned buildings, to include deliberate purchases of GHG-reducing appliances such as electric head pumps. Our Partners also approve corporate commitments to sustainability and Science Based Targets for emissions reductions.

Our Chief Operations Officer reports directly to the Partners and currently provides oversight of our Washington, DC headquarters. The COO approves the purchase of any facility equipment that would contribute to Scope 1 or Scope 2 emissions.

Our Senior Program Manager reports to the COO and currently provides oversight of our Tampa, FL-based facility and Data Innovation Lab. The Sr. PM approves the purchase of any facility equipment that would contribute to Scope 1 or Scope 2 emissions.

Our Director of Mission Support Operations reports to the COO and currently provides oversight of our Bedford, IN facility, which supports NSWC-Crane as well as our St. Robert, MO facility which supports Fort Leonard Wood. The Director approves the purchase of any facility equipment that would contribute to Scope 1 or Scope 2 emissions.

The Barbaricum Quality Manager reports to the COO and compiles and maintains Barbaricum’s GHG Inventory with the help and cooperation of the other listed Management Review Board members. The QM calculates our annual emissions levels, conducts our annual risk assessment and treatment, and is responsible for our public GHG disclosure.

17.2 Environmental Policies

Barbaricum maintains a robust Integrated Management System with multiple policies governing quality management, information security management, and IT services management in accordance with ISO, CMMI, NIST, and CMMC standards and requirements. Environmental management is the latest addition to the system and is an increasing focus of corporate leadership. Our current policy documents consist of:

  • Barbaricum GHG Inventory & Tracker
  • GHG-001 Inventory Management Plan
  • GHG-002 Barbaricum GHG Disclosure – 2024
  • GHG-003 Barbaricum Carbon Footprint
  • GHG-004 Environmental Policy Statement

Barbaricum Environmental Policy Statement

Barbaricum is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and fulfilling our compliance obligations under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). We strive to meet or exceed environmental requirements and expectations by proactively managing our environmental impacts through a framework rooted in environmental risk-based thinking and continuous improvement.

We are dedicated to enhancing our Environmental Management System (EMS) and the organization’s environmental performance by integrating environmental considerations into our decision-making processes, ensuring compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, and pursuing sustainable practices throughout our operations.

This framework supports our EMS objectives, which are established through comprehensive environmental risk assessments, approved and resourced by Barbaricum leadership, and systematically reviewed during our periodic management reviews.

As we continue to develop and strengthen our environmental management system over the next two years, we anticipate developing additional policy documents to establish sound corporate objectives and science-based targets for emissions reductions in line with the requirements of the FAR, the TCFD, the GHG Protocol, and the annual CDP SME Questionnaire.

18 Business Strategy

18.1 Environmental Impact on Strategy and Financial Planning

Barbaricum senior leadership conducts annual strategic planning exercises and reviews at the beginning of each calendar year, with successive reviews and adjustments each quarter thereafter. Following our baseline assessment in Q2 of 2023, we reassessed our environmental risks and opportunities at the start of 2024. The environmental risks and opportunities assessed to date have not been designated an immediate strategic priority for 2024. We will re-evaluate the projected impacts of environmental risks and opportunities on our financial planning at the end of fiscal year 2024 and on our business strategy at the start of calendar year 2025.

18.2 Climate Transition Planning

Barbaricum’s business strategy does not yet  address the need for a climate transition plan. During the next strategic review, we will assess the need for a climate transition plan and the cost for establishing one within the next two years. 

18.3 Engagement with Value Chain Stakeholders on Environmental Issues

As our GHG assessment procedures are relatively new and still in development, we have not yet developed a policy or procedure to engage with suppliers, customers, and/or other value chain stakeholders on environmental issues. However, we recognize the importance of stakeholder engagement to ensure continuous improvement and are planning to pursue this specific form of engagement once it has been designated a strategic priority.

19 Environmental Performance

19.1 Consolidation Approach

Barbaricum uses the equity share approach as detailed in the boundary conditions of our GHG-001 Inventory Management Plan. Equity is defined as any facility or operation for which Barbaricum has a percentage of ownership to include fully owned facilities and leased facilities for which Barbaricum is responsible for purchasing electricity and natural gas.

20 Climate Change

20.1 Evaluation

Barbaricum evaluates our Scope 1 and market-based Scope 2 GHG emissions in-house using the latest US EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership’s EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator. While we endeavor to be as thorough and accurate as possible in our reporting, we did encounter challenges in collecting data. We were unable to verify the R410-a charges on the HVAC units at our St. Roberts, MO and Bedford, IN facilities. However, since neither of those facilities required a refill of freon during the reporting period, they did not contribute to any emissions for the year. This report will cover the past 2 years of disclosure data.

20.2 Emissions Calculation Methodology

Barbaricum evaluates our Scope 1 and market-based Scope 2 GHG emissions in-house using the latest US EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership’s EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator, which itself uses the following standards, protocols, and methodologies  to collect activity data and calculate emissions:

  • The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition)
  • The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Scope 2 Guidance
  • US EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership: Direct Fugitive Emissions from Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Fire Suppression, and Industrial Gases
  • US EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership: Indirect Emissions From Purchased Electricity
  • US EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership: Direct Emissions from Stationary Combustion Sources
  • US EPA Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID)

20.3 Excluded Entities

Our Dayton, OH facility was unoccupied for the duration of this reporting period and as such, we did not purchase any electricity or heat for the facility. Therefore, we have excluded our Dayton office from this disclosure.

20.4 Gross Global Scope 1 Emissions

Reporting Year Gross Global Scope 1 Emissions End Date Methodological Details

2022 (Baseline)

72 metric tons CO2-e

Dec 31, 2022

Calculated according to the EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator, updated May 2023


132 metric tons CO2-e

Dec 31, 2023

Calculated according to the EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator, updated April 2024

20.5 Gross Global Market-Based Scope 2 Emissions

Reporting Year Gross Global Market-Based Scope 2 Emissions End Date Methodological Details

2022 (Baseline)

120 metric tons CO2-e

Dec 31, 2022

Calculated according to the EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator, updated May 2023


113 metric tons CO2e

Dec 31, 2023

Calculated according to the EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator, updated April 2024

20.7 Gross Global Scope 3 Emissions

Scope 3 emissions, while relevant to Barbaricum operations and annual revenue, have not been calculated for this disclosure.

20.8 Verification

No third-party verification is currently required or in place for our emissions disclosure, however Barbaricum intends to pursue third-party verification through CDP in the future upon the finalization and publication of the Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk Rule in the Federal Register.

20.9 Change in Global Emissions from Prior Reporting Year

Barbaricum’s global emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined) have increased from 193 metric tons of CO2-e in the prior reporting year to 245 metric tons of CO2-e in this reporting year mainly due to the addition of a facility in St. Roberts, MO. 

20.15 Electricity Consumption by Country

As Barbaricum only operates facilities within the United States, we do not provide an additional by-country breakdown of our electricity consumption.


Barbaricum purchased electricity from the following sources during the reporting year:

MWH from renewable sources MWH from non-renewable sources Total MWH


297.330 MWH

297.330 MWH

20.16 Emissions Targets

Barbaricum did not have an active emissions target during this reporting year to manage climate-related risks and opportunities. However, we intend to assess potential science-based targets for emission reductions to be put in place within the next two years in accordance with the latest SBTi criteria.

20.17 Emissions Reduction Initiatives

Barbaricum did not have emissions reduction initiatives that were active within the reporting year. Emissions reduction initiatives will be reviewed as part of the next annual strategic plan and put into place once they are assessed to be an important and immediate business priority.


Updated with 2023 Data in support of Barbaricum’s Environmental Management System (EMS), Integrated Management System (IMS) Subsystem.

Barbaricum’s Enterprise-Wide Carbon Footprint

Reporting Period

Start Date End Date Number of reporting years for Scope 1 emissions data Number of reporting years for Scope 2 emissions data Number of reporting years for Scope 3 emissions data



1 - Baseline

1 - Baseline

0 - N/A





0 - N/A

Emissions Data

Scope 1 Emissions

Scope 1 Emissions20222023Unit
Stationary Combustion2520CO2-e (metric tons)
Mobile Sources00CO2-e (metric tons)
Refrigeration / AC Equipment Use47112CO2-e (metric tons)
Fire Suppression00CO2-e (metric tons)
Purchased Gasses00CO2-e (metric tons)
Scope 1 Summary:  72132CO2-e (metric tons)

Location-Based Scope 2 Emissions

Location-Based Scope 2 Emissions20222023Unit
Purchased and Consumed Electricity120113CO2-e (metric tons)
Purchased and Consumed Steam00CO2-e (metric tons)
Location-Based Scope 2 Summary:  120113CO2-e (metric tons)

Market-Based Scope 2 Emissions

Market-Based Scope 2 Emissions 2022 2023 Unit
Purchased and Consumed Electricity 120 113 CO2-e (metric tons)
Purchased and Consumed Steam 0 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Market-Based Scope 2 Summary: 120 113 CO2-e (metric tons)

Total Gross Organization Emissions

Total Gross Organization Emissions 2022 2023 Unit
Total Scope 1 & Location-Based Scope 2 193 245 CO2-e (metric tons)
Total Scope 1 & Market-Based Scope 2 193 245 CO2-e (metric tons)


Reductions 2022 2023 Unit
Offsets 0 0 CO2-e (metric tons)
Net Scope 1 and 2 Location-Based Emissions193245CO2-e (metric tons)
Net Scope 1 and 2 Market-Based Emissions193245CO2-e (metric tons)
Annual Carbon Emission Intensity
(metric ton of CO2-e per dollar of annual revenue)
2.964.34CO2-e (metric tons)



No third-party verification is currently required or in place for our emissions disclosure, however Barbaricum intends to pursue third-party verification through CDP in the future upon the finalization and publication of the Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk Rule in the Federal Register.

As the Co-Founder and Partner of Barbaricum, LLC, I am committed to the sustainability of our organizational operations, taking full accountability, and supporting other roles of leadership. Management uses the process approach and risk-based thinking to integrate climate-related policies and risk responses into our business processes to achieve intended results.

I am committed to providing the resources and training needed to ensure the effective management necessary for our success and improvement. We provide a work environment that allows our employees to be successful in meeting our customers’ needs.


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