News and Resources
Frontiers: Perspectives And Insights

Barbaricum Media Monitoring & Application Modernization White Paper
The Barbaricum Application Modernization White Paper outlines our experience migrating a legacy .NET application using traditional hosting to a cloud-native architecture leveraging AWS Amplify, AWS DynamoDB, and React. This modernization enables us to deliver capabilities faster, reduce cost, and strengthen resilience.

Supporting Your Team on International Missions
By Armand Cucciniello, Barbaricum Lead Strategic Planner Thought: How do you gage the health of a contract? Let’s take it up a notch,

How Media Analysis Drives Communication Priorities
By Isaac Arnold, Media Analysis Program Manager Thought: How can a public affairs office respond and react to news narratives

How Does Research Drive Change and Continual Improvement?
By Lawrence D. Wright, Ph.D., Director of Research Analysis A question I am asked consistently is, “Why do we conduct

Where Airmen Get Their Information Survey
In today’s complex media environment, it is more important than ever to understand where your audience obtains its information.

“Brave New Tech World” Panel
Barbaricum partner, Scott Feldmayer, participated in the Brave New Tech World panel as part of the Veterans: New Battleground event held